
  • 2024-02-22 10:34  发布

Slam Dunk 片尾曲粵語版《直到世界的盡頭》作曲:織田哲郎作詞:上杉昇粵語歌詞:三本目Cover Singer : MILUCover Arrangement : YeeSonGuitars & Programming : YeeSonAI Engineer : YeeSonMixed by a Freaking HumanProduced by NUHCMusic video by VIC漆黑怎可掩蓋熱熾的心不怕等待你眼中那未來挫折險阻仍未變改* 場外與命運競逐愛場內與時間比賽期待那耀眼明日的青空會更精彩與我去到世界那盡頭吧和你一起哪會害怕就算增添一些傷疤談笑間擁抱著晚霞銘記與你碰上那段炎夏場裡揮灑過這汗嘛熱血的心會吶喊即使會力盡聲沙藏在心中的牽掛全是青春好嘛即使光陰不再亦記得初衷永不改哪怕有多少感慨判秒爭分期待喝彩 Repeat *Disclaimer:This video is an artistic and educational exploration of AI-generated art. All the AI artwork featured in this music video has been generated using Stable Diffusion 1.5 with custom LORAs & subsequently animated by Runway Gen 2. Additional CG, post-processing & editing have been implemented to attain the intended artistic vision.The song featured in the video is based on an entirely new studio vocal recording with a new music arrangement. The vocals have been processed through SoftVC VITS, further showcasing the innovative integration of AI in creative expression.Wong Ka Kui 's vocal in this video are derived from an actual performance and then processed using an AI-based timbral conversion model to achieve the final result. Wong Ka Kui did not actually perform the vocals.The content on this YouTube channel, featuring AI-generated voice reproductions of late singers, is for educational purposes and technology demonstration. Our goal is to showcase AI capabilities in voice cloning while paying tribute to the artists.

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