Bastille《Bad Blood》(FLAC/MP3-320K)无损下载


  • 2023-10-15 16:41  发布

We were young and drinking in the park

我们当时年少轻狂 在公园里买醉

There was nowhere else to go


And you said you always had my back


Oh, but how were we to know

呵 谁又知道这是真是假

That these are the days that bind you together, forever

过去的欢乐时光将你我牵绊在一起 自始至终

And these little things define you forever, forever

而那些琐事却让我看清你 无时无刻

All this bad blood here, wont you let it dry?

旧仇宿怨 你会不计前嫌吗?

Its been cold for years, wont you let it lie?

时过境迁 你会就此放手吗?

If were only ever looking back


We will drive ourselves insane


As the friendship goes, resentment grows

友情不再 恨意滋长

We will walk our different ways


But those are the days that bind us together, forever

但昔日的似锦年华将你我紧紧捆绑 无法逃脱

And those little things define us forever, forever

那些芥蒂把我推离你 永无止境

All this bad blood here, wont you let it dry?

旧仇宿怨 你会不计前嫌吗?

Its been cold for years, wont you let it lie?

时过境迁 你会就此放手吗

I dont wanna hear about the bad blood anymore


I dont wanna hear you talk about it anymore


I dont wanna hear about the bad blood anymore


I dont wanna hear you talk about it anymore


All this bad blood here, wont you let it dry?

旧仇宿怨 你会不计前嫌吗?

Its been cold for years, wont you let it lie?

时过境迁 你会就此放手吗


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