Every sound ricochets
万千旋律 在耳边肆意张狂
Every word, every phrase
华言风语 乱相诳误
Every sound ricochets
万千旋律 在耳边肆意张狂
Every dark silhouette
黑色轮廓 在眼前炳如观火
Heavy clouds in my head
命途多舛 望尽苍茫
Every dark silhouette
黑色轮廓 在眼前炳如观火
I'm walking beside myself
独自一人 行走在寂寥身旁
Just like I'm someone else
审时度势 佯装成他人模样
Lost in the human race
随波逐流 迷失了前进方向
People from scary dreams
唯利是图的人们 画地为牢
Staring from magazines
为追求身外之物 心无旁骛
Nothing is like it seems
却不道荣枯有数 得失难量
But sometimes it's time to let it fall
往事随风 何不任其自往
It's time to smash the crystal ball
时不我待 摧毁昔日梦幻
And sometimes the pieces make you long
回首过往 领悟无限苍凉
Wipe out the dream once and for all
大梦初醒 余亦独善其身
It's time to let it fall
Find my feet, find the beat again
重整旗鼓 再度踏上征途
It's time to let it fall
And finally I can breathe again
顺其自然 方能重获新生
It's time to let it fall
Take the cold sapphire
冰蓝宝石 佩戴在身
From my soul's empire
Take the cold sapphire
冰蓝宝石 佩戴在身
Take my robe, take my crown
血染战袍 荆棘冕冠
All my power, all my pride
权倾天下 赐我荣光
Take my whole empire
势如破竹 纵横四海
'Cause sometimes it's time to let it fall
往事随风 何不任其自往
It's time to smash the crystal ball
时不我待 摧毁昔日梦幻
And sometimes the pieces make you long
回首过往 领悟无限苍凉
Wipe out the dream once and for all
大梦初醒 余亦独善其身
It's time to let it fall
Find my feet, find the beat again
重整旗鼓 再度踏上征途
It's time to let it fall
And finally I can breathe again
顺其自然 方能重获新生
I'm walking beside myself
独自一人 行走在寂寥身旁
Just like I'm someone else
审时度势 佯装成他人模样
Lost in the human race
随波逐流 迷失了前进方向
People from scary dreams
唯利是图的人们 画地为牢
Staring from magazines
为追求身外之物 心无旁骛
Nothing is like it seems
却不道荣枯有数 得失难量
But sometimes it's time to let it fall
往事随风 何不任其自往
It's time to smash the crystal ball
时不我待 摧毁昔日梦幻
And sometimes the pieces make you long
回首过往 领悟无限苍凉
Wipe out the dream once and for all
大梦初醒 余亦独善其身
It's time to let it fall
Find my feet, find the beat again
重整旗鼓 再度踏上征途
It's time to let it fall
And finally I can breathe again
顺其自然 方能重获新生
It's time to let it fall
(Find my feet, find the beat again)
(重整旗鼓 再度踏上征途)
It's time to let it fall
(And finally it's time to breathe again)
(顺其自然 方能重获新生)
It's time to let it fall