Tori Kelly《Sorry Would Go A Long Way》(FLAC/MP3-320K)无损下载


  • 2023-10-13 14:35  发布

Don't seem to wanna hold me like you did before


We don't go out to dinner, ain't no flowers at my door

不再出门共进浪漫晚餐 门前再没你送的鲜花

You do a lot of talking, there's a word you never say

你总是侃侃而谈 但有个词你从不说出口

Sorry would go a long way

明明只要道歉 就能重修于好

I stayed up all night waiting, and you forgot to call

整晚为你来电待命 但你没打过来

And, oh, I feel so lonely, it's like you don't care at all

我孤独得像片飘零的叶 但你毫不在乎

Maybe it's your ego or just your foolish pride

也许你的自尊心亦或是可笑的骄傲 不许你为爱低头

It's like I'm not on your mind


You never tell me that you love me


Oh, what a mess of me you've made


It won't make it all better, won't make it okay

我余生的岁月啊 不再明媚

But sorry would go a long way

明明只要道歉 就能消融隔阂

I feel the times are changing, and maybe you are too


I'm the same old me, but you're a different you

我仍初心不变 你却面目全非

So be a man about it, and admit you've done me wrong

所以做个有担当的男人吧 承认你对我犯下的错

I just wanted you all along


Oh, you never tell me that you love me


Oh, what a mess of me you've made


It won't make it all better, won't make it okay

我余生的岁月啊 不再明媚

But sorry would go a long way

明明只要道歉 就能重修于好

And after the heartache, after the hurt

爱你 让我伤痕累累

Why is it so hard to say that one word


If it's really over?


You never tell me that you love me


Oh, what a mess of me you've made


No, it won't make it all better, won't make it okay

我余生的岁月啊 不再明媚

But sorry would go a long way

可明明只要道歉 就能消融隔阂


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