

  • 2023-10-11 19:10  发布

You do not


You do not


It's the thing in your thighs when you're lonely at night

当你深夜孤身一人 双腿间发生震颤

Scroll through your phone, getting high off the light


Numb in your chest when you close the blinds

当你闭紧百叶窗时 胸腔一阵麻木

repose in time and you tell yourself you're fine but you

需要立刻修养 而你却仍逞能 说无大碍 然而你

Sabotage the things you love the most


Camouflage so you can feed the light that you're composed

自我伪装 这样你就能继续 编造弥天大谎

This is the voice in your head that says, "You do not want this"

你脑海中有个声音说道 "你并不想这样"

This is the ache that says, "You do not want him"

这痛苦呐喊道 "你根本不需要他"

This is the glimmer of light that you're keeping alive when you tell yourself, "Bet I could **** him"

当你告诉自己 这是你仅存的希望微光 "我定能将他搞到手"

Why do you need love so badly?


Bet it's because of her daddy


Bet she was brutal and bratty


Bet that she'll never be happy


I bet that you're right and I'll show you in time


But I

我会及时告诉你 而我却

Sabotage the things I love the most


Camouflage so I can feed the lie that I'm composed

自我伪装 这样我就能继续 编造弥天大谎

I've got a monster inside me


That eats personality types


she is constantly changing her mind on the daily

日复一日 她逐渐转变了想法

Think that she hates me, I'm feeling it lately

开始对我心生厌恶 近来我深有体会

Might have to trick her and treat her to seventy capsules

看来我得去会会她 给她提供 七十粒胶囊

Or fly to a castle


So at least we can say that we died being traveled


Cultured and flattered and then i could trap her

悉心培养 再奉承吹捧 这样就能将她牢牢把控

But what does it matter?


"You do not want this"


This is the voice in her head that says, "You do not want him"

她脑海中有个声音说道 "你根本不需要他"

This is that space in your bed that says, "Bet I could **** him"

你床边传来个声音 "我定能将他搞到手"

Isn't it lonely?


These are the standards to which you could hold me

你想将我紧拥住 但又是否够格呢

Think that you know me? You think that you could if you hold me?

你自认为了解我 在你看来 将我拥入怀抱

Think you could try to console me, but I do not know me

就能理所应当得 安慰到我 我都不了解自己了

No, I do not know me


'Cause I, 'cause I


Sabotage the things I love the most


Camouflage so I can feed the lie that I'm composed (You do not want this)

我伪装 这样我就能继续 编造弥天大谎

Sabotage the things I love the most (You do not want this)

将挚爱所摧毁 "可你并不想这样"

Camouflage so I can feed the lie that I'm composed (You do not want this)

自我伪装 这样我就能继续 编造弥天大谎

You do not want this


You do not



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