Halsey《So Good》(MP3-320K/6.8M)无损下载


  • 2023-10-08 21:49  发布

Looking right, looking like

似乎毫无谬误 恰合时宜

All the stars are fated


I remember the night


I was so frustrated


I touch your hand for the first time


I see it on your face then

你脸上的神情 让我明了

Another lifetime's flashing by

恍若隔世的另一生 不过须臾而过

I'm here standing in the same dress

我身着同一袭裙装 伫立于此

You're in your apartment


I'm already gone


When you left, I bet you held her body closer

你与我别过后 我打赌 你与她更进一步 亲密相拥

And I was hoping you would tell her it was over

我希冀 你能向她挑明一切 划清界限

You're all I think about and everywhere I look

我满脑子都是你 目光所及皆为你

I know it's bad, but we could be so good

我深知此刻糟糕透顶 但我们本可美好如初

Couple years flashing by


And I'm doing okay


In the back of my mind


All I hear is your name


I bet you're happy and that's fine

我敢肯定你很幸福 没关系

But I regret just one thing

但我后悔的 只有一件事

I never got to change your mind


I'm here standing in the same dress

我身着同一袭裙装 伫立于此

You're in your apartment


I'm already gone


Talking wildly out of context


I wish things were different

我希冀 情况有所改观

But I'll never know


When you left, I bet you held her body closer

你与我别过后 我打赌 你与她更进一步 亲密相拥

And I was hoping you would tell her it was over

我希冀 你能向她挑明一切 划清界限

You're all I think about and everywhere I look

我满脑子都是你 目光所及皆为你

I know it's bad, but we could be so good

我深知此刻糟糕透顶 但我们本可美好如初

Maria calls me and she says she's getting married

玛丽亚致电给我 带来她要结婚的消息

She asked me if there's any extra weight I carry

她问我参加婚礼时 会否携伴而来

And do I think about the one that got away

我有没有想过 离开我的那位

I know his name, I think about him everyday

我忘不了他的名字 每天都在想他

When you left, I thought you held her body closer

你与我别过后 我想 你与她更进一步 亲密相拥

I never knew that you would tell her it was over

出乎我意料的是 你真与她划清界限 一刀两断

'Cause I'm all you think about and everywhere you look

如今你满脑子都是我 目光所及皆为我

I know it's bad, but we could be so good

我深知此刻糟糕透顶 但我们本可美好如初


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