Parov Stelar/AronChupa《Grandpa's Groove》(FLAC/MP3-320K)无损下载


  • 2023-09-17 17:15  发布

The old man Santiago didn't catch a fish for days


He returned unhappy and was pretty d**n ashamed

他闷闷不乐 回到家中 他感到十分羞愧

He tells his grandson Manolin about this one last move


Manolin thinks to himself this is grandpa's groove

马诺林心想 这不就是爷爷的正常状态

So on the 85th day of his unlucky streak

于是这样糟糕的情况 一连持续到了第85天

He caught a marlin draggin' forth his boat down the stream

他抓住了一条枪鱼 却被它拖动着顺流而下

Santiago's friends they caught the fish with his harpoon


The marlin thought to himself this is grandpa's groove

马诺林心想 这不就是爷爷的套路

Ba ba ba ba ba da ba

Ba da ba da bow uhm

Da ba da buh di buh

Yeah this is grandpa's groove

是的 这就是爷爷的生活

Everyone they were screaming out


That was grandpa's groove


So on the 85th day of his unlucky streak

于是这样糟糕的情况 一连持续到了第85天

He caught a marlin draggin' forth his boat down the stream

他抓住了一条枪鱼 却被它拖动着顺流而下

Santiago's friends they caught the fish with his harpoon


The marlin thought to himself this is grandpa's groove

马诺林心想 这不就是爷爷的老套路

The marlin died a bloody death along came many sharks


They attacked the fisherman but couldn't kill this spark

它们袭击了这个渔夫 但却并未成功

When he came home with the skeleton of the marlin as his proof


Everyone was screaming out this is grandpa's groove

人们都失声尖叫着 这就是爷爷的生活

Ba ba ba ba ba da ba

Ba da ba da bow

Mmm da ba da buh di buh

Yeah this is grandpa's groove

是的 这就是爷爷的生活

Ba ba ba ba ba da ba

Ba da ba da bow

Mmm da ba da buh di buh

Yeah this is grandpa's groove

是的 这就是爷爷的生活

Ooh la la la la lam pi dam

Yeah grandpa got those moves


And everyone were screaming out


This is grandpa's groove


Ba ba ba ba ba da ba

Ba da ba da bow

Mmm da ba da buh di buh

Yeah this is grandpa's groove

是的 这就是爷爷的生活

Ooh la la la la lam pi dam

Yeah grandpa got those moves


And everyone were screaming out


This is grandpa's groove



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