Bellhouse《White Dress Black Dress》(FLAC/MP3-320K)无损下载


  • 2023-09-15 13:02  发布

Give me all four seasons rolled into one

I just wanna breathe it in

Give me heartache

Pain so I can feel the power when the high is kickin' in

Defy convention

Not my intention

But that's just how I'm wired

Don't shield me from the heartless

I'm safe inside a black dress underneath the hot mess

When I'm down and hopeless

I'm smilin' in a white dress you will never notice

Will you understand me when's there's nothing left to hide

I'm fire and the darkness meeting in the cold of night

White dress black dress

White dress black dress

When you can't define the truth or a lie

You settle for the closest thing

I wanna live outside the wrong and the right

Dare to be wild and free

You think I'm confusing

But I'm far from losing

And when the world is coming for me

Don't shield me from the heartless

I'm safe inside a black dress underneath the hot mess

When I'm down and hopeless

I'm smilin' in a white dress you will never notice

Will you understand me when's there's nothing left to hide

I'm fire and the darkness meeting in the cold of night

White dress black dress

White dress black dress

White dress black dress

White dress black dress

White dress black dress

I'm confusing

But I'm far from losing

And when the world is coming for me

White dress black dress

Don't shield me from the heartless

I'm safe inside a black dress underneath the hot mess

When I'm down and hopeless

I'm smilin' in a white dress you will never notice

Will you understand me when's there's nothing left to hide

I'm fire and the darkness meeting in the cold of night

White dress black dress

White dress black dress

White dress black dress


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