BENI《奏 Kanade》(MP3-320K/12.2M)无损下载


  • 2023-09-12 19:45  发布

A little more


A little longer wanna hold your hand in mine


With a little anticipation, your train will leave for a new life

带着一点点的期盼 你的火车向着新生活奔去 离开这里

I know I should send you off with a smile on my face


But I just can't be so happy, no matter how I try

但不论我尝试多少次 我都无法开心起来

Hope the days to come are filled with love


As seasons come and go


Hope you don't collect many sad songs that make you cry


Thinking of the things that I should tell you, something meaningful


I keep looking for the right words to say,


something other tha“good-bye”


I believed my destiny was to lead you by the hand

我相信我的命运是牵着你的手 带着你走

A little funny now, the more I think about it

我越去想它 就觉得越发滑稽

But I get it now, because we'll be fine, nothing to worry about

但现在我明白了 因为我们都很好 所以没什么好担心的

All the days we spent together will guide us down the right path

我们一起度过的所有时光 将引领我们在正确的道路上继续走下去

You will come in full bloom by yourself while we are apart

这样我们分开的时候 你也会精神起来

And there is no guarantee that I won't change at all


But no matter how hard it may be, if there is a song like this

但若是有一首像这样的歌 无论多么困难

A song like this will keep us close, no matter how far

这样的歌会把我们紧紧联系 无论多远

We will always be together


It's already time to go, the whistle sings and the time is up

已经要到离开的时间了 汽笛在鸣响 时间也到了

You let my hand go as you're walking away before I'm ready

在我准备好之前 你就松开了我的手 独自远去

So I had to call your name to stop and hold you close

所以我只好叫你的名字停下来 紧紧抓住你

Remember that I'm just a call away to be with you wherever you are

请记住 无论你在哪儿 只要一个电话 我就会到你身边

From the day you came into my life


It's been such a miracle


Every little part of me has changed for the better


The morning sun and all the tears and my voice to sing this song

晨间的太阳 所有的泪水和我的歌声一起唱着这首歌

Ever since you came to me, they all shine brighter

自从你来到我身边后 它们都更加闪耀了

Can you hear all my love I have for you overflowing out of me?

你能听到我的爱 我那满溢而出的爱吗?

I'm going to sing this song to you although you're far away

即便你远在天边 我也要把这首歌唱给你听

Rest assured babe, as long as we keep this song in our hearts

放心吧宝贝 只要我们心中一直有着这首歌

Nothing ever could pull both of us apart


You know we'll always be together


Don't you worry baby

宝贝 别担心


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