One Direction《Olivia》(FLAC/MP3-320K)无损下载


  • 2023-09-12 17:16  发布

Remember the day we were giving up


When you told me I didn't give you enough


And all of your friends were saying I'll be leaving you


She's lying in bed with my t-shirt on


Just thinking how I went about it wrong


This isn't the stain of a red wine


I'm bleeding love


Please believe me don't you see

请相信我 那些你没有看到的

The things you mean to me


Oh I love you I love you

哦 我爱你 我爱你

I love I love I love olivia

我爱爱爱你 奥利维亚

I live for you I long for you olivia

我为你而活 我渴望着你 奥利维亚

I've been idolising the light in your eyes olivia

我崇拜你会发光的眼睛 奥利维亚

I live for you I long for you olivia

我为你而活 我渴望着你 奥利维亚

Don't let me go don't let me go

不要让我离开你 不要让我离开你

Say what you're feeling and say it now

说出你现在的感觉 说出来

Cause I got the feeling you're walking out


And time is irrelevant when I've not been seeing ya

与时间无关 我已经明白了

The consequences are falling now


There's something I'm having nightmares about


And these are the reasons I'm crying out to be with ya


Please believe me don't you see

请相信我 那些你没有看到的

The things you mean to me


Oh I love you I love you

哦 我爱你 我爱你

I love I love I love olivia

我爱爱爱你 奥利维亚

I live for you I long for you olivia

我为你而活 我渴望着你 奥利维亚

I've been idolising the light in your eyes olivia

我崇拜你会发光的眼睛 奥利维亚

I live for you I long for you olivia

我为你而活 我渴望着你 奥利维亚

Don't let me go don't let me go

不要让我离开你 不要让我离开你

When you go and I'm alone you live in my imagination

当你离开 我活在一个人的幻想里面

The summertime and butterflies

那个夏天 蝴蝶纷飞

All belong to your creation


I love you it's all I do I love you


I live for you I long for you olivia

我为你而活 我渴望着你 奥利维亚

I've been idolising the light in your eyes olivia

我崇拜你会发光的眼睛 奥利维亚

I live for you I long for you olivia

我为你而活 我渴望着你 奥利维亚

Don't let me go don't let me go don't let me go

不要让我离开你 不要让我离开你


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