Justin Bieber/Chance the Rapper《Holy》(MP3-320K/8.1M)无损下载


  • 2023-09-11 17:33  发布

Justin Bieber:

I hear a lot about sinners


Don't think that I'll be a saint


But I might go down to the river


'Cause the way that the sky opens up when we touch

只因我们触摸彼此的那一刻 天空也仿佛豁然开朗了

Yeah it's making me say

是啊 这让我不禁感叹

That the way you hold me hold me hold me hold me hold me

你紧拥我入怀 拥我入怀 拥我入怀

Feels so holy holy holy holy holy on God

这感觉无比神圣 神圣 丝毫不容亵渎

Runnin' to the alter like a track star


Can't wait another second


'Cause the way you hold me hold me hold me hold me hold me

只因你拥我入怀 拥我入怀 拥我入怀

Feels so holy


I don't do well with the drama


And no I can't stand it being fake


No no no no no no no

I don't believe in nirvana


But the way that we love in the night gave me life


Baby I can't explain

宝贝 我难以言明

That the way you hold me hold me hold me hold me hold me

你紧拥我入怀 拥我入怀 拥我入怀

Feels so holy holy holy holy holy on God

这感觉无比神圣 神圣 丝毫不容亵渎

Runnin' to the alter like a track star


Can't wait another second


'Cause the way you hold me hold me hold me hold me hold me

只因你拥我入怀 拥我入怀 拥我入怀

Feels so holy


Justin Bieber/Chance the Rapper:

They say we're too young


The pimps and the players say "Don't go crushin'"

花花公子们极力告诫 不要动真心

Wise men say fools rush in but I don't know

智者则言只有傻瓜才会坠入情爱 而我真的不懂

They say we're too young


The pimps and the players say "Don't go crushin'"

花花公子们极力告诫 不要动真心

Wise men say fools rush in but I don't know

智者则言只有傻瓜才会坠入情爱 而我真的不懂

Chance the Rapper:

Chance the Rapper

The first step pleases the Father might be the hardest to take

取悦上帝的那第一步 或许最难迈出

But when you come out of the water I'm a believer

但当你虔诚祷告后 我就会成为忠实信徒

My heart is fleshy life is short with temper like Joe Pesci

我并非铁石心肠 生命本就短暂 就像乔·佩西一样喜怒难料

They always come and sing your praises your name is catchy

人们总是为你唱起赞歌 你的名字是那般讨喜悦耳

But they don't see you how I see you Parlay and Desi


Cross TWeen Tween Hesi' hit the jet speed

上帝保佑 少年时代 少年时代 我的事业一飞冲天

When they get messy go lefty like Lionel Messi

若是迷失了方向 像利昂内尔·梅西一样自信踢出左脚

Let's take a trip and get the Vespas or rent a jetski

我们去旅行吧 买一辆小摩托 或者租一辆水上摩托

I know the spots that go the best w**d we goin' next week

我知道哪些窝里藏着最好的货 我们下周就去那里尝尝

I wanna I wanna honor you bridegroom I'm my father's child

我想要 我想要向你表达敬意 上帝 我是我父亲的孩子

I know when the son takes the first steps the Father's proud

我知道只要鼓起勇气迈步 父神就会为我骄傲

If you make it to the water He'll part the clouds

若你可以功成名就 上帝会为你将乌云拨开

I know He mad you a snack like Pscar Proud


Suffer it to be so now gotta clean it up

咽下所有苦难 所以现在先把一切整理干净

Formalize the union in communion He can trust

彼此团结 这样祂就能放心信赖

I know I ain't leavin' you like I know He ain't leavin' us

我知道我不会离开你 正如祂与我们同在

I know we believe in God and I know God believe in us

我知道我们信仰上帝 上帝同样对我们深信不疑

Justin Bieber:

That the way you hold me hold me hold me hold me hold me

你紧拥我入怀 拥我入怀 拥我入怀

Feels so holy holy holy holy holy on God

这感觉无比神圣 神圣 丝毫不容亵渎

Runnin' to the alter like a track star


Can't wait another second on God


Runnin' to the alter like a track star


Can't wait another second on God


Runnin' to the alter like a track star


Can't wait another second


'Cause the way you hold me hold me hold me hold me

只因你拥我入怀 拥我入怀 拥我入怀

Feels so holy



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