超能陆战队主题曲Fall out boy《Immortals》(MP3-320K/7.5M)无损下载


  • 2023-09-06 18:50  发布


Fall out boyThey say we are what we are, 大家都说“做好自己本分”But we don t have to be, 但我们e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e58685e5aeb931333337383861不必服从I m bad behavior but I do it in the best way, 我的表现很差 但我在沿着最好的路走下去I ll be the watcher (watcher), 我将是那Of the eternal flame , 永恒火焰的守望者I ll be the guard dog, 我将是你的守护者of all your fever dreams, 在你所有狂热的梦想中OoooooohI am the sand in the bottom half, 我是那沙漏底下的沙Of the hourglass (glass, glass) Oooooooh,I try to picture me without you but I can t, 我尝试着去脱离你来做我自己 但我做不到Cause we could be Immortals, Immortals, 因为我们可能不朽,不朽Just not for long, for long, 只是片刻也好And live with me forever now, 现在就许我长相厮守Pull the blackout curtains down, 就此闭幕完结吧Just not for long, for long, 片刻的不朽Because we could be Immooooooo- Immortals, 因为我们注定不朽,我们就是永恒Immooooooo- Immortals, 不朽者Immooooooo- Immortals, 不朽者Immooooooo- Immortals, 不朽者Sometimes the only pay off, 有时坚守信仰的For having any faith, 唯一回报Is when its tested again and again, 就是当它一次次被考验Everyday, 日复一日Im still comparing your past, 我仍然在拿你的过去To my future, 去衡量我的未来It might be your wound, but they re my sutures, (有些事)也许是你的伤疤 但它们却是我难以恢复的伤口OoooooohI am the sand in the bottom half, 我是沙漏下面Of the hourglass (glass, glass) 停滞的流沙Oooooooh,I try to picture me without you but I can t, 我试着去构造一个没有你的我生活 但我无法做到Cause we could be Immortals, Immortals, 因为我们注定不朽,成为不朽者Just not for long, for long, 只是片刻也好And live with me forever now, 现在就许我长相厮守Pull the blackout curtains down, 就此闭幕完结吧Just not for long, for long, 片刻的不朽Because we could be Immooooooo- Immortals, 因为我们可以成为不朽者,不朽者Immooooooo- Immortals, 不朽者Immooooooo- Immortals, 不朽者Immooooooo- Immortals, 不朽者Immortals, 不朽者And live with me forever now 现在就许我长相厮守Pull the blackout curtains down, 就此闭幕完结吧Because we could be Immortals, Immortals, 因为我们本就不朽,不朽者Just not for long, for long, 片刻的不朽We could be Immooooooo- Immortals, 我们可以成为传奇----不朽的人Immooooooo- Immortals, 不朽者Immooooooo- Immortals, 不朽者Immooooooo- Immortals, 永远的不朽者


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