Philter《She Walks Alone》(FLAC/MP3-320K)无损下载


  • 2023-09-04 10:15  发布

She Walks Alone - Philter

I've never been so far from home

Not even supposed to walk alone

Star star fading

Dark dark shading

Cut cut quiet

I'm all left from this riot

I run with tear blurred sight

They won it's a story I can't rewrite

I've never been so far from home

Not even supposed to walk alone

Trees moving around

'Round and 'round

The sky is falling down down

Trees moving around

'Round and 'round

The sky is falling down down

I've never been so far from home

Not even supposed to walk alone

Star star fading

Dark dark shading

Cut cut quiet

I'm all left from this riot

I've never been so far from home

Not even supposed to walk alone

I've never been so far from home

Not even supposed to walk alone

I've never been so far from home

Not even supposed to walk alone


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