KSHMR/Jake Reese《Carry Me Home》(MP3-320K/7.4M)无损下载


  • 2023-08-30 18:06  发布

There was a time, you and I

曾经有一段时间 你和我

Get faded together, on the floor


So high and I stayed there forever


You took the high road, I took the bottle

你前程似锦 而我醉死梦生

A little taste of freedom

自由的滋味 只能浅尝辄止

But I get the feeling that I'll be needing

但我有一种感觉 我需要一个

Somebody I can lean on


When I'm drunk and out on my own

当我酩酊大醉 独自一人

Would you carry me home, carry me home, home

你带我回家 带我回家 回家

When I'm down at the end of my rope


Would you carry me home, carry me home, oh, oh, oh

你带我回家 带我回家 回家

Home, home, home

回家 回家 回家

When I'm down at the end of my rope


Would you carry me home


Carry me home, oh, oh, oh

你带我回家 带我回家 回家

There was a time, you and I

曾经有一段时间 你和我

Get faded together, that was then

一起消逝 虽然那是当时

But I know, we're still birds of a feather

但我深知 我们仍是意气相投的人

You took the high road, I took the bottle

你前程似锦 而我醉死梦生

I'm never gonna slow down

自由的滋味 只能浅尝辄止

But the lights are coming on, they're playing the final song

但是灯亮了 只剩最后一首歌

And I just need to know now


When I'm drunk and out on my own

当我酩酊大醉 独自一人

Would you carry me home, carry me home, home

你带我回家 带我回家 回家

When I'm down at the end of my rope


Would you carry me home, carry me home, oh, oh, oh

你带我回家 带我回家 回家

Home, home, home

回家 回家 回家

When I'm down at the end oh I know


You'll carry me home, carry me home, oh, oh, oh

你带我回家 带我回家 回家

You carry me home


Home, home, home


When I'm down at the end oh I know


You'll carry me home, carry me home, oh, oh, oh

你带我回家 带我回家 回家


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