GAWNE/Tech N9ne/Atlus《This is War》(FLAC/MP3-320K)无损下载


  • 2023-12-24 13:39  发布


This is war


Pick your sides, know your stance

选好你的阵营 摆明你的立场

This is war


No telling how the story ends


This is a fallout, everybody get down


Stay out of our way


This ain't a nice song, no telling where we might go


We've heightened the stakes



You wishing death upon us?


Better get ready with a vest and invest in enough protection to lessen nuclear fallout, go cry for mama

你这种弱兵 就乖乖穿上你的防弹背心,在核辐射下苟且,被战争吓破胆的你只能哭着回家找妈妈

You wanted war 'til you on the floor trying to hide from bombing

当初是你们挑起了战争,如今你们却在我们的轰炸下抱头鼠窜 溃不成军

Kamikazes fly supersonic right through the Eiffel Tower


President Donny killed Soleimani, so now Iran's a problem

谋害、阴谋充斥在国际高官政要之间 地方局势日益紧张

Going Nagasaki atomics dropping on Abu Dhabi


Twenty million bodies and five tsunamis arrive in Holland

两百万人死于非命 连续五场海啸席卷了荷兰

Few survived alive, now the radiation is sure to follow

极少数人幸免于难 但也逃不过核辐射的魔爪

All the bombing is now underway


How you gonna save yourself, y'all better pray

你毫无办法 只能祈祷自己最后能逃出生天

Y'all gotta stay down in the basement or hallway closet, otherwise die in the flames

为了活下来 你们只能躲在地下室或者走廊的壁橱中

Lot of atomic waste concentrated in metropolis


Watch as the hospital rates sky rockets to thousands of patients


Nuke radiation becoming too dangerous


No this ain't Tinder but I swipe left at you with a knife in fact

啊 你我本不是挑起这场战争的罪魁祸首, 如今我们却在战场上兵刃相见

Striking your back with a whole viking axe, tell Tech that it's time for the fire

我用一把维京斧结束了你的生命 然后通知Tech是时候引燃炸药了

Let me get a funnel attachment run up and siphon the gas douse it around then we go light the match

我将漏斗连接起来 向上将汽油吸出 并在四周浇满 然后点燃引信

Igniting that like Iraq where Isis was fighting at


Whole world 'bout to end so soon


Kim Jong-un getting pissed at you


Send a big fu*kin' nuke to America to hit your roof in an instant blew like flipping a fuse


Send incinerating kids in school, principal said it was miserable

无数的孩子被战火烧死 他们甚至还没有机会入学

Missiles are dropping in Israel, Germany, London and Istanbul


Not Godzilla but an ominous monster's still upon us

战争是个比哥斯拉还要凶恶万倍的怪物 潜伏在我们身边

Planet was hit with a comet, economy crashing, poverty, wobbly plate tectonics shifting a lot

战争如同一颗彗星摧毁了地球,地动山摇 经济崩溃和贫穷充斥在世界的各个角落。

How could it not be the apocalypse probably got to be


Causing a lot of the death that we see when we turn on our screens every night and we're watching the news up on our TV


Forcibly, torture these


Enemies give 'em deformities, waterboard 'em 'til they orally tell us a story sick, and stick 'em up in quarantine

身心日益畸形 严刑拷打让他们语无伦次 胡言乱语 最终被丢到隔离营中等死

There's not a hint of remorse in me cold to my core feels like only in war do I ever find normalcy

我已是麻木的战争机器 无休止战争已经让我习以为常

Like on the beaches of Normandy live by the sword


I'ma die when I'm forty three


Together with Tech and I we met up and electrify the record every time that we etch a rhyme

我和我的homie Tech唱出的每一个韵脚都是这首唱片的点睛之笔

I reckon they recognize, never gonna rise to my level


I'm five times better with the pen when spraying venom


'Bout to end 'em when I get 'em in the center of the scope "DOOT" "DOOT"

当人们进入我设置的陷阱时 就是他们的死期

Let a round off broken through open a wound there ain't no hope for you

我会抓住每一个突围的机会逃出生天 反败为胜

Yeah I think I'm 'bout to kill a mother fu*ker with a gun


You better get to running like you were a sprinter


'Bouta hit 'em in the ligament and ankle bullet ricocheting

Bouta击中了他们的韧带和脚踝 流弹横飞

Thinking I may intimidate a witness


Never give into the pressure when they interview 'em


Bet they won't admit I'm finna run up shoot a bullet from the hip


Pull up on the strip


Hit 'em with the lead and put a body in the ditch


Other words GAWNE and Tech just murdered this sh*t

看 GAWNE和Tech刚解决了这些败类

Tech N9ne:

I can smell the smoke from hell, it's right in the middle of us

来自地狱的浓烟 萦绕在我们身边

Everybody wanna fight and they givin' no fu*ks

每个人都是狂热的好战分子 ...

When they do it on sight wit' a gun or wit' a knife

当他们手持刀枪 他们就无所畏惧

Ain't even a bit of light when you're living in dusk

战争昏天黑提 硝烟遮天蔽日

In the mind, why they gotta be stuck?


The crime when you wanna go bustin' the N9ne

当你犯下招惹N9ne的暴行 必将自食恶果

Never have no trust in your kind, and you're really unjust

绝对不要心慈手软 你的温柔判断过于主观

How do they storm the capitol?


It's a war in the back of your forum, the horns attackin' mo'

战争的号角已经吹响 你要背水一战

Torn the radicals, never happen to mourn the scorned and born wit' a lack of dough

摧毁那些激进分子 永远不要为那些居心叵测之人哀悼

Just like them, when I think about it all it's quite dim

但当我意识到我逐渐和他们毫无二致 一切都变得毫无意义

Everything is really raw like a fright film, if you ready for the brawl come and try grim

周遭的一切就像恐怖片一样 如果你准备好迎接冷酷的厮杀就出发吧

At a level where the people wanna load up what they got and get it poppin'

在这里 人们脑子里只有火药的装填和引爆

If he thinking 'bout the hood, he better never come a knockin'

如果你还想着车水马龙的生活 就不要加入我们

They don't ever wanna take it to the B. or the C. zone

我们就在这里结束了一切 无需将战火引到其他地方

We home n*ggaa we got the heat on

该回家了伙计 我们的车已经发动了

All the energy is separation, togetherness never was thee motivation

完整的力量被打散分离 团结在这里不复存在

Evil has really been sweeping the nation, because it was never no communication

战争的邪恶突如其来 很快席卷了整个国家

In a war the believers of Jesus, wanna make you bleed, it's egregious

在战争里 让你受伤的竟然是耶稣的信徒

Shoulda had their fetus deleted, but the parents skeet is completed

父母们本不应该让自己的孩子降生在这种世界里 但为时已晚

So now we stuck wit' the crazy, pushin' a lotta negative up in the babies


What the fu*k they doin' snuffin' the ladies?


Killin' globally it's buckin' in Haiti

全球范围内都有他们的暴行 如同在海地

This is (War)


What are the fake well wishes (For)

谁会相信为了掩饰战争罪恶 冠冕堂皇的虚假愿景?

Even the saint sell sickness rank fell vicious bank swell quick as (Wh*res)

再高尚的人也变得浑浊不堪 遍地都是恶意失信的银行

Can't nobody be calm in the midst of hell


So I lit this bomb wit' the quickness


Yell wit' the lip it's 'nam and it's on


You don't wanna go to war with Tech N9na and Gawne

你真不应该和我们(Tech N9ne/GAWNE)开战


This is war


Pick your sides know your stance

选好你的阵营 摆明你的立场

This is war


No telling how the story ends


This is a fallout everybody get down


Stay out of our way


This ain't a nice song no telling where we might go


We've heightened the stakes



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